This dialog allows you to modify investment data and view/update price history.
Investment symbol, also known as ticker. Every publicly traded company has one, for instance it is MSFT for Microsoft, GOOG for Google, etc. If you don't know the symbol of your stock, try to search for it on any investment web site, like Yahoo! at
A full name of the investment.
Currency of the investment. This currency should match currency of the account associated with any investment transactions for this stock.
Data source
A place from where AceMoney downloads quotes for this investment. Make sure that your investment is supported by the selected data source, otherwise AceMoney will display an error message.
Any relevant information.
Divide downloaded quote by 100
Some data sources report prices of certain investments in cents or pennies. If that's the case, check this box to make AceMoney divide the downloaded price by 100 to get the quotes in dollars or pounds.
Price History
Price history of this stock by dates. In order to update/modify prices, double click in the list. To delete list entry use Delete key. One date may have only one price.
This button allows to manually update price of the investment on the specified date. Click the button, enter date and price and click Ok. The new price should appear in the price list. If price list already has a price for that date, then it will be modified, otherwise a new record will be created.
Instantly downloads quote from the current symbol and currently selected data source. This feature allows you to quickly check if the investment actually is supported by the selected data source. Also, if the name field is empty, it will be automatically populated with the official name of the company upon the successful download.
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